Traditionally, cooling effect in clothes was achieved using, ice packs and by usage of chemicals that absorbed sweats thus keeping the skin dry. However, traditional methods are not very effective and fabrics also degrade with time. New generation fabrics are being developed that use moisture-management technologies or evaporative cooling technologies. Some fabrics also work by distributing sweat evenly over the fabric, so that it dries more quickly and in turn generates a cooling effect.
This report aims to estimate the global Cooling Fabrics market for 2013 and to project the expected demand of the same by 2019. This market research study provides a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Global Cooling Fabrics market. It provides a comprehensive review of major drivers and restraints of the market.
Major companies such as Silver Eagle, Cool Core, Technical Adsorbents, Sportingtex, Garmatex Technologies Inc. are profiled in this report. The Global Cooling Fabrics market is also segmented into major applications, types of cooling fabric materials and geographies.
Various secondary sources, such as encyclopedia, directories, and databases to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of Cooling Fabrics market, have been used. The primary sources, experts from related industries and suppliers, have been interviewed to obtain and verify critical information as well as to assess the future prospects of Cooling Fabrics market.
The global Cooling Fabrics market has grown significantly during the last few years, and it is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the next five years, mainly driven by a growing consumption in the Asia-Pacific region. The global Cooling Fabrics market is valued at $ xx million in 2014, growing at a CAGR of X% and is expected to reach $ xx million by 2019.
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